b 16. This group of PPE protects us against slippery fiors, wet floors, sharp objects and checa chemical splashes and liquid metais aberration Boller suits chemical suits vest, aprans, full body suits and jackets Gloves, armlets and mitts Helmets bunto caps d. Safety shoes, safety boots and laggings 17 The ability to provide exact value or specification is a factor in selecung replacement parts a Avaliability b. Price c. Quality d. Tolerance 18. This group of PPE protects us against being crushed by falling objects, hit by hard objects rotating objects and entangled hair a. Boiler suits, chemical suits vest, aprons, full body suits and jackets b Gloves, armiets and mitts Helmets, bump caps d Safety shoes, safety boots and leggings d 19 The ability to provide exact value or acceptable parameters to replacement parts a. Availability b Price c. Quality d. Tolerance 20. This group of PPE protects us against extreme temperatures, bad weather, splashes of liquid chemicals or metais, a blast from a leaking pressure, penetration of sharp objects contaminated dust Boiler suits, chemical suits, vest, aprons, full body suits and jackets Gloves, armlets and mitts Helmets, bump caps d Safety shoes, safety boots and leggings C​