Assessment Directions: Nite the description in Column A to the principles or arta in Column B. NEKATERINARY TIMIN KUN your WAKE MANY notebooks A VIKIN The rexen noin olan image, or when anera or thing stand out the Asymmetrical Beinnce When one side of composition do not relect the design of the Symmetrical Bulunce er rerence between two Cho tenere D. Proportion Ex Contat numar rotition or element produce che con una celor JUNOONDOA F. mmphis C C H. Rhythm and Movement Permanent make an in Wor The petition or design The parts of an image are onemused Regante marmor the other INEN per bonde do XHA WATU WA kterom Iram J. Pue Back K. Harmony W And prutal work together to create LP NAMAN TAKIMI N MOWER MONONOOMNOM ORMARIO koumpunime rektionshup ot on LARRARTE COMO HANNO quantity or de SCALE, to un object compared to the rest of the NUTOS huku i le mehe oman womeo P Pacem and Repetition give the ulusun or union to von 15. veten to the sammen or element with pet momenor intelligible sequence