A. Read and study the following sentences. Write the letter of the best answer on the blank before the number. 1. conditions are managed using the 5R's techniques which are reduce,reuse, recycle,recover and repair. is the process by which materials that have been used, broken, disposed and are no longer in good A. reduce management B. reuse management C. recover management D. waste management 2. A. reduce B. recover means lessening the amount of possible waste materials. C. recycle D. repair 3. A. reuse B. recover means to use again for the same purpose the materials as much as possible. C. reduce D. repair A. recover B. reduce means to fix or restore broken items so that it these will be used again. C. recycle D. repair 5. A. recover B. recycle means taking energy or materials from wastes to be converted into new resources. C. reduce D. reuse