give one reason why is it necessary to keep stirring the agar medium mixture in a beaker when heating in a hotplate?​

Sagot :

One reason why is it necessary to keep stirring the agar medium mixture in a beaker when heating in a hotplate?​

To avoid solidification, the agar should be stirred constantly, this is one of the major reasons why is it necessary to keep stirring the agar medium mixture in a beaker when heating a hotplate. Reduce the temperature of the medium-agar mixture to 55°C. Cool for a couple of hours in a 55°C water bath for consistently consistent outcomes. At around 50°C, agar begins to harden.

When creating agar plates, using a water bath allows you to chill the slurry to just above the solidification temperature.

Before utilizing a water bath, let it just chill in the air, but remember to get back to the agar because it's possible that you would always forget about it and return to discover solidification has already begun - bumpy plates are terrible for spreading!

What is the meaning of agar​