isulat ang nawawalang nkta ayon sa paalakumpasan

1.quarter note
2.eight note
3.quarter note
4.quarter note
5.quarter note
in number 1. it shows a eight note and eight rest so if u add those it will give 1 beat u still need 1 beat to form 2 beats so u add a quarter note.
number 2. shows a quarter note and a eight note so u need 1 more eight note to form 1 beat (eight note+eight note=1beat) soo u add an eight note quarter note+2eight notes is 2 beats.
number3.shows a DOTTED half note, its beat is 3. (dotted half note) so u need 1 more beat to form 3 beats ,DOTTED half note+quarter note=4beats
number4. shows a quarter note and quarter rest (quarter note+quarter rest is 2beats) we need 1 more note that gives 1 beat to make it 3 so, we add a quarter note.
number5.shows a quarter note, to make it 2 beats we have to add 1 note that gives 1 beat,quarter note,(quarter note+quarter note is 2 beats)
hope this helped :)