Read the questions and find the missing answer from the box below.
a. Fraction b. A baton or a conductor's stick c. Eight note d. Bring a sense of unity
e. Musical staff f. Number of beats g. A beautiful interruption of a given musical piece h. kind of note i. Upper number is greater than 3 j. Can be divided by
k. Incomplete Measures l. > m. Fourth beat

1. Conducting is the art of directing the simultaneous musical performance of several players or singers by the use of visible hand gestures, and sometimes with the use of?

2. The main task of a conductor is to keep all performers together and on track with the music as well as to?

3. and______

4. Time signature is a _______ written at the beginning of a? 5.__________?

6. In the 6 time signature the upper number tells the _______ in each measure.

7. In the 2 time signature, the lower number tells the ___________ that receives one beat. 4

8. The 6 time signature is a compound meter because_________?

9. and ______

10. _______ in songs means the first measure in a piece of music is actually connected or is part of the last measure.