1.What property of light is described when white light separates into different color? A.Diffraction B.Dispertion C.Reflection D.Refraction 2.The white light of a given frequency is going through a prism. What causes a spectrum of colors to form on the alternative side? A.Refraction of light B.Dispersion of light C.Wavelength of light D.Indexbof refraction of the transparent medium. 3.A prism is transparent with flat polished surfaces that refract light. Which of the following materials cannot be used as an improvised prism? A.Mirror B.Diamond C.Compact disk (CD) D.Clear container with water 4.How many color components does a white light brave? A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 5.Which color of light is not dispersed when white passes through a prism? A.Orange B.Pink C.Red D.Yellow 6.Light waves are refracted as they pass through a transparent medium. Color Light are dispered at different angles. Which characteristic of a light wave. affects the phenomeon described above? A.Energy B.Frequency C.Wavelength D.Wave speed 7.Which color light has the longest wavelength? A.Green B.Orange C.Red D.Yellow 8.Which arrangement of color is correct according to increasing wavelength? A.Red,green,violet B.Orange,blue,red C.Violet,green,red D.Red,blue,orange 9.Which color carries the most energy? A.Blue B.Green C.Red D.Yellow 10.Which color is the most refracted? A.Blue B.Green C.Red D.Yellow 11.Why is red light at the top while violet light is at the bottom of the color spectrum? A.Red light travels faster than violet light. B.Red light has the lower frequancy and energy than the voilet light. C.Red light has a loger wavelegth and violet light has a shorter wavelength. D.Violet light has a loger wavelegth and red light has as shorter wavelength.