violet RICITY - VOCABULARY Direction: Match Column A with the correct definition in Column B. Write the letter on the blank before the number А 1. voltmeter B 2. battery a. protects electric circuits but not destroyed when activated b. a circuit with a gap through which electricity cannot flow 3. complete circuit c. material that allows electricity to pass through easily 4. conductor d. it has terminal mark of positive (+) and negative (-) 5. current (electricity) e. happens when the exposed parts of the electrical wires touch one another 6. mcomplete circuit f. unit use for voltage -7. parallel circuit g. negatively charged particles that flows from negative to positive terminal C_8. insulator h. this creates a kind "train" of devices through which any electron flows from one device and then to the next and so on 9. series circuit i. is achieved by creating a junction or a point at which more than one device is connected 10. load j. when the current in the circuit exceed the wire current rating 11. elecurori k. measures the number of charges passing through a cross section of a conductor in a given time 12. Ampere I. a connected pathway through which electricity can flow, includes power source, load and a pathway E 13. short circuit m. any device that is activated by the flow of electricity 14. fuse n. devise use to measure the amount of current flow 15. overloading 0. a circuit where the path has been interrupted or "missing" a some point so that current will not flow