Looking Back Directions: Prove to me that you are having fun and you are learning more than what I expected. Compute the total amount of Pedro's Meal Expenses for May 2020 using, MS Excel. Sunday Pede' Mel Expenses for Mn 2020 Monday Tuesday Wedmendey T Thunday Friday Sorsdag Total P100.00 120.00 4 5 PI20.00 P120.00 P100.00 P100.00 PI50.00 P120 00 P120.00 13 P120.00 P100.00 P120.00 Pi10.00 P$10.00 P120.00 17 P100.00 P120.00 PI50.00 P150.00 P110.00 P110.00 24 P210.00 27 P100.00 P110.00 P110.00 P150.00 P100.00 P320.00 P110.00 P100.00 TOTAL MEAL EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH OF MAX