The psychology of high performance: developing human potential into domain-specific talent

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The Psychology of High Performance:

Developing Human Potential Into Domain-Specific Talent

In this volume, Rena F. Subotnik, Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, and Frank C. Worrell explore how an individual's early potential develops into high performance in five domains:

  • sport (specifically golf and team sports)
  • the professions (medicine, software engineering, professional teams)
  • academics (mathematics, psychology)
  • the performing arts (dance, acting)
  • the producing arts (culinary arts, drawing/painting)

The contributors address many questions: What does "raw" potential in a specific domain looks like? How can those abilities be nurtured and grown, and what psychosocial skills are necessary for this development?

They examine similarities and differences within and between domains and present personal interviews with "gatekeepers" — experts in a field whose professional judgment determines whether individuals' developed abilities are good investments for further instruction and coaching.

With its mix of scholarship and personal interviews, this book brings new insights based on psychological science and best practices to inform educators, parents, coaches, and psychologists guiding young people on their path to becoming high performers.


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