Write two integers between which the given square root lies.




Please po need lang.tysm​

Sagot :



√70 is between 8 and 9.

The perfect squares closest to 70 are 64 and 81. Then

70 is between the square roots of 64 and 81

Square root of 64 is 8.


Square root of 81 is 9.


70 is not a perfect square.

2.) 11,12

√134 is between 11 and 12.

The perfect squares closest to 134 are 121 and 144.

Then 134 is between the square roots of 121 and 144

Square root of 121 is 11.

121 =11

Square root of 144 is 12.

144 =12

3.) 14,15

√215 is between 14 and 15.

The perfect squares closest to 215 are 196 and 225. Then 215

is between the square roots of 196 and 225

Square root of 196 is 14.



Square root of 225 is 15.

