How would you describe your relationship to your mother and father

Sagot :


My relationship with my parents has always been great. I've been blessed with wonderful parents who were (and are) amazing, sure not perfect but very very good! When I was young, I never remember them not being there for me and supporting me. I tried the sports thing and realized that I wasn't going to excel as an athlete. Not sure if that was disappointing to my dad but I never saw that once. They always encouraged me to pursue music as it was clear that was where I was gifted.

I am very close to my parents. I've always been very close with my mom, your typical mother/son kind of bond. She was my source of unconditional love and a person I could always count on to love me and be there for me. My dad was the provider for our family which unfortunately meant he wasn't around as much. I never once thought it was a reflection on me though. He made it a point to be very involved in my life despite being very busy.

My parents are amazing. I can't imagine having anyone else in my life. Seeing them interact with my kids is something I get so much joy from! I wish we didn't have so much distance between us so they could see even more of each other. I am very blessed.