social media has been helpful during the pandemic people use it for communication and entertainment

As we see with the current corona virus situation, as worry grows, people are sharing more information that is false or misinformed. It is very easy to share something that is seen on Face book. The problem is, when people do not take time to question the information source, unchecked and false information can spread quickly. This means people are receiving confusing and misleading information and this can be dangerous.
It is more and more important to check information sources, especially on the internet and using social media. Anyone online is able to publish and share information, even though it may be false. Even photographs and videos can be doctored, mis labelled or manipulated to tell a fake story.
All you have to do is don’t get all your information on social media. Check trusted news websites or government websites. Check who wrote the article. Before sharing a post on Face book, make sure you’ve checked that it is trustworthy and factual information.
Social media and second-hand messages are not fool-proof ways of getting informed. It is best to get your information directly from an authority or expert on the issue, or from the reports from a reputable news outlet.