1.It is a socially distinction associated with a given sex 2.are varies from person person to person, as one's thoughts, fantasies, belief and values Differ 3.A sexual attraction to the opposite sex. 4. This is the tendency of a person to gain pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering or humiliation on others. 5.A sexual persersion which involves indecent sexual practices so as to attract attention 6.A sexual attraction to the same sex. 7.It allows IRECTION: Identify the following statements below. Choose your answer to the given box below 8. Goals that are realistic and attainable will give you more motivation and sense of achievement 9. You can clearly see what is that you want to achieve. 10. is rewarding when you have clear reasons why you want to achieve the goal. A.Sexuality F. Sadism B.Gender G. Heterosexuality C.Homosexuality H. Exhibitionist D.Attainable I. Abortion E.Specfic J.Rewarding​