LE Select the the letters that corresponds to your answers and write them on the anwer sheet. Which of the following is a well-defined set? a. A set of happy people b. A set of good teachers a C. A set of enjoyable subjects d. A set of Philippine Presidents 2. Which of the following is an infinite set a.{a,b,c,d,e) 6.{2,4,6,8) c.{ xlx is an integer between -60 and 60} [xlx is a whole number greater than 20 } 3. Which of the following is the symbol of an empty set? a. b.uc.co 4.Which of the following is not a subset of M= {1,2}? a. { 16{1,2} {0} c. {1} d. {0} 5. What is the cardinality of P= the set of English names for the months of the year? b. 8 c. 12 d. 24 6. Which symbol is used to indicated the intersection of two sets? a. U b.- d. - 7. Which symbol is used to indicated the union of two sets? 8. What is the cardinality of P= the set of English names for the days of the week? a. 5 b. 6 c.7 d. 8 a. 4 c. n a. d. b. c. U 9. How will you write the given set below in roster form? Pis the set of vowels used in the word "MONDAY" A. {m, o, n, d, a,y} b.{o, a,y} c.{m, n, d, y } d.{o, a} 10. How will you express the given set below in verbal method? M= { January, June, July) a. M is the set of months of the year c. M is the set of months of the year that has holiday b. M is the set of the first three months of the year d. Mis the set of months of the year that starts with ] 11.If F= {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 }, then which of the following is a subset of F? a.{0} b. {2,4} c. {2,3,4,5) d. {1,9,5, 13 ) 12. Which of the following statement is CORRECT? a. Whole Numbers Natural Numbers b.Even Numbers Odd Numbers c. Quadrilateral Polygon d. Natural Numbers is not acWhole numbers 13. What does the given statement, K={ } mean? a. Set K has one element b. Set K has infinite elements c. The cardinality of set Kis zero d. Set K contains all elements under consideration 14. Which of the following is a FINITE set? a.{3,5,7, ... } b.{..., -3, -2,0,1,2} c. Set of Prime Numbers d. Set of fractions between 1 and 12. 15. How many subsets does the set containing 10 elements? a. 128 b. 256 c. 512 d. 1,024 16-25. Situation. 170 Davaoeños were asked where they went for summer vacation. 96 of them said that they went to Siargao to spent their vacation. On the other hand, 50 went to Zamboanga and 23 answered they went to both Siargao and Zamboanga to spend their summer vacation. Note: Use "S" to denote the set of tourist who went to Siargao, and use "Z" to denote the set of tourist who went to Zamboanga. Draw the Venn digram on the space provided below. (5 points)​