2. A sentence that's used to give someone an order or a command is an sentence. a. interrogative b. imperative c. exclamatory d. declarative 3. The function of a declarative sentence is to someone about something. b. inquire c. tell d. imply a. ask 4. What does an exclamatory sentence usually end with? b. question mark c. colon a. period d exclamation point 5. "Sit down and be

quiet!” What type of sentence is this? a interrogative b. imperative c. exclamatory d. declarative 6. Which of these sentence types often begins with the subject? a interrogative b. imperative c. exclamatory d declarative 7. Which of the following is an exclamatory sentence? a. He's so cute! b. Isn't he cute? c. How cute he is! d. He is cute. 8. The usual form of a declarative sentence is 11 TA

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