Two Cats And A Monkey
After a feast, two cats see a piece of cake and start
fighting for it. A monkey sees this as an opportunity
for gain and oflers to help them. The monkey
divides the cake into two parts but shakes its head
saving they are unequal. He takes a bite of one
piece and then the other, but still finds them
innequal. He continues doing so until there is no
more cake left, leaving the poor little cats

Write A Short Paragraph providing another ending for the story you listened to.observe capitalization and use correct punctuation marks._______________________________________________________________________________________________ ​

Sagot :

The little cats decided to make their own feast, so they can enjoy it without someone being rude or unequal to them.

The monkey tried to steal the little cats' cakes, but it failed because he was caught by one of the little cats.


This story's message is when two parties fight the third one benefits. When there is a problem between two people its better they sought it out among themselves otherwise it will be a lose-lose situation for both of them as the third person will benefit from it.


  • Just like the way the monkey benefitted because of the cats .When there's a problem between the two persons it is better they make a proper negotiation among themselves and come to a win-win position. Example, when there is a land property dispute among the brothers in a family and when they take legal advice it's the court and the legal advisers who will benefit from it as heavy compensation has to be made to the lawyer and the court. Its an additional expense which the brothers have to incur.