Directions. Read the following text. Then, using the guidelines, write a summary.

O Say It Your Way!

Ready or Noi, parents must be provided with the capacity building to assunie thicis integral roles in the learning process of their children. Former U.S. President Barack Obama (2011) said "And so the qıustian is whether all of us - as citizent, and as parents - are siling to do what's necessiry to give every child a chance to succeed. Miat responsibility begins in a homes and communities. It's family that fisst instills the love of learning in a child." Largely. parcotal involvement in schools has always been encouraged and coosistently strengthened for years. This, to educator, emphasizes the chief role of parents for acudemic achievement of their chüdren. In fact, Dr. Ned Hallowell stresses the child's need to engage with adults, peerc, neighborizood and commwity in order to invade their sorlds (Levisie 2005). He believes that children learned most about growing up with their elders. Furthermore, be illustrates that each Adult can servo as & sliort textbook chapter for a kid. These most pragmatic realizations try to Auzken all parents now their most significant part in the education of their children. This is one biost negligible idea os role among the many kamilies belonging to use high poverty status or very lone economic status. So, fill there really be No Child Left Behind as the policy envisions? Dons Caballero, "Parents et the Prontlines of Education"

Criteria for Evaluation:
Accuracy of Content (10points ); Mechanics (10 points) Overall: 20 points​

Sagot :


These the most pragmatic realizations try to auzkin all parents now their most significant part in in the education of their children.

This is one biost negligible ideas or role among the many kamilies belonging to use high poverty status or very long economic status.