1. Discuss the benefits or importance of keeping your kitchen premises clean and organized.
2.Did you experience to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of your kitchen premises at home? Whether you have done this or not,explain how you can able to do this?​

Sagot :


Creating a clean and safe kitchen is an important step to a healthy home. A clean house will help reduce your family’s risk of exposure to many indoor pollutants such as bacteria, and allergens, like dust mites. A clean house is also less inviting to mice, rats, and other pests.

Bacteria or germs are everywhere – including your kitchen, where food is stored, prepared, and eaten. Bacteria may cause illnesses that can be on your food, kitchen utensils, counters, appliances, floors, pets, and especially your hands. It is important to take the necessary steps to clean before, during, and after preparing and eating your food to keep you and your family safe from food poisoning. Cleaning includes both surfaces and your hands.

2. yes, because As the center of your home life and the place where both literal and figurative nourishment takes place, your kitchen is the heart of your home. That might be why having a clean kitchen feels like the first step of having a completely clean house. In fact, even if you aren’t able to often achieve that idyllic state of whole-house cleanliness, cleaning your kitchen goes a long way in making it feel like you have.


1. As the place where food is prepared and stored, a kitchen serves one of the most important functions in a home. This means you should maintain high levels of cleanliness in this space, and give it a deep clean at least once or twice a month. For most people, cleaning the kitchen means keeping utensils clean. But there is more to it than just utensils – it means maintaining proper hygiene, handling food well and taking appropriate safety measures such as using gloves. To ensure your kitchen remains clean, develop a habit of cleaning as you work so the mess does not pile up.  If you are wondering how you can maintain cleanliness in your kitchen, here are some tips;

You should:

*always wash worktops before you start preparing food

*wipe up any spilt food straight away

*always wash worktops thoroughly after they have been touched by raw food including meat, poultry, vegetables or raw eggs

*never put ready-to-eat food, such as washed and ready to eat salad, bread or washed fruit, on a worktop or chopping board that has been touched by raw meat or other raw foods, unless you have washed it thoroughly first

2. Yes, i am. I may not look like it but since my mother left to work abroad, we learned how to cook and clean the kitchen, not just the kitchen but the entire house. Cleaning is my specialty.

Maintain the general cleanliness of the kitchen by:

A. Disposing of food scraps properly and removing crumbs.

B. Wiping counters clean with soap and water and sanitize with a disinfectant.

C. Sweeping and wet mopping floors to remove food.
