1. Monism - it is a view or theory that there is only one kind of ultimate substance or reality.
Example of which is pantheism. This is a view that the God that we worship is equivalent or tantamount to the universe itself. Or the universe is a manifestation of God.
The concept of monism suggest that God is all things and all things is God.
2. Monotheism - It is a belief and adherence to a single God. Examples of which are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
3. Polytheism - It is a belief or worship of more than one god. Hinduism is one basic example.
4. Atheism - is a view which posits disbelief or denial of the existence of a supernatural being, deity or what we call God.
5. Agnosticism - it is a view that the existence of divine being cannot be known. It is also characterized by uncertainty about the existence of a God.
Both monotheism and polytheism teach us about the concept of God and His/their role in our existence and in our pursuit of understanding the purpose and meaning of our life.
Both atheism and agnosticism remind us to be critical and rational instead of remaining ignorant and allowing religion and faith to influence or dictate our personal views and define our own existence.