polynomials with common monomial factors​

Sagot :


When two or more numbers are multiplied, the result is a single

number. Factoring is the reverse process. In factoring, we begin

with a single number and express it as the product of two or more

numbers. For example, the product of 7 and 4 is 28. So, factoring

28, we get 28 = 7 · 4. In Lesson 11-3, you multiplied monomials by

polynomials to obtain polynomials. In this lesson you will learn how

to reverse the process.

If factors are not integers, then every number has infi nitely many

factors. For example, 8 is not only 4 · 2 and 8 · 1, but also 24 ·




and 2.5 · 3.2. For this reason, in this book all factoring is over

the set of integers.

Factoring Monomials

Every expression has itself and the number 1 as a factor. These are

called the trivial factors. If a monomial is the product of two or more

variables or numbers, then it will have factors other than itself and 1