Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer Write the chosen letter on
1. It is a health examination done with the use of Snellen Chart.
A Hearing Test B. Vision Test C. Dental Examination
2. It is an examination done by a doctor who will give information on proper
A Dental Examination B. Medical Examination C. Hearing Test
3. It is a test which is done to check pupils physical growth
A Dental Examination B. Medical Examination
C. Hearing Test
4. It is a whisper test which is done with the use of audiometer.
A Hearing Test
B. Vision Test
C. Dental Examination
5. It is the normal visual acuity of a person.
A. 20/20
B. 20/30
C. 20/50
6. In a visual test the preferable distance is
A. 14-20 feet away
B. 10-13 feet away
C. 20-25 feet away
7. This test could be the basis for understanding the condition of ones phys check up B.eye check up C.ear check up

8. It is an equipment used for weight measurement
A tape measure
B. meter stick
C. weighing scale
9. The following statements shows the importance of undergoing health ap
A. Health appraisal procedures is important to detect early possible hea
B. To evaluate one's health status
C. To keep track of one's health condition
D. To aid the development of bones and muscles
10. To make sure that the ears are working well, this test must be administ
A. Visual test B. Hearing test C. Height measurement​