1 Which of the following collection of objects can be described as well defined set?
A Collection of delicious food
B. Collection of large numbers
C. Collection of difficult words to spell
D Collection of whole numbers less than 10
2 Which of the following describes the set whose elements are (0,1,2,3,4)?
A whole numbers less than 5
B counting numbers less than 5
C positivo Integers gronter than o
D. whole numbers between 4 and 10
3. It is called as a set that contains everything under consideration
a. subset
b. equivalents set
c. Universal set
d. Proper subset
4. What is AUB?
5. What is ANB?
a{L} b(LOVER) c {R} d{OVER)
6 Which of the following is an element of set A? a.0 b.1 c. 2 d. 3
7.What is the cardinality of set A? a. 1 b. 2 c. 5 d 25
8. Which of the following is not a subset of B? a { } b (4,16,5) c. (3,4,5) d (5)
9 Given P ={ apple, orange, banana, mango) and Q = (orange, mango, watermelon), what is PUQ?
a PUQ= O/
b. PU Q = {apple, orange, banana
c PUQ = {apple, orange banana, mango) d. PUQ = ( apple, orange, banana, mango, watermelon)
10 if. P={a,b,c,d,e), Q = {a,cod 1) and R= t, d.c, b. e), then what is PAQR?
a {ac) b.{cd} c{ace) d{c,d,e) a​