answer:brainliest and follow

Answerbrainliest And Follownonsencereported class=

Sagot :

1.) The simple present tense is used to talk about a habitual action.

He gets up at 8 am.

He drinks tea in the morning.

She keeps her home neat and tidy.

2.) Regular Past Tense Verbs

He graciously accepted the award on her behalf.

I think Sara added too much sugar to the recipe.

Moe admired Mr. ...

Corinne admitted that it was all her fault.

Her parents advised against staying out too late.

They agreed to meet at the coffee shop.

3.) A verb in which the past tense is not formed by adding the usual -ed ending. Examples of irregular verbs are sing (past tense sang); feel (felt); and go (went). (Compare regular verb.)

4.) or future with will)

I will meet him later (I'll ..)

You will come (you'll..)

It will rain tomorrow (it'll)

She will be late (she'll..)

He will help us later (he'll..)

We will get married in September (we'll)

They will cook dinner (they'll..)

5.) Shall has no participles and no infinitive form. Shall can be used for forming the future tense of another verb when the subject is 'I' or 'we', but it does not have a future tense of its own: We shall see you tomorrow.