5 steps in preparing an organic fertilizer using compound words​

Sagot :


Step 1: Add Kitchen Waste in Container

Add kitchen waste like fruit peels, vegetables, eggshells, coffee or tea powder to a container (bucket, drum, terracotta pot). For a continuous cycle, Vani suggests maintaining two containers so that if one is filled, you can continue the process in the other.

Step 2: Add the Browns

Arrange for the browns like dry shredded leaves, sawdust or cocopeat to control the moisture and add them to the wet garbage.

Step 3: Arrange for Microbes

Arrange for microbes to break down the wet waste. Either get microbes from semi-done compost or generate a fresh patch by adding cow dung/cow po

Step 4: Provide Oxygen

In aerobic composting, providing oxygen is very crucial for a smell-free composting cycle and to avoid crawlies like maggots...

Step 5: Layering

Aerobic composting will prepare manure in 40-45 days. All you have to do is keep adding kitchen waste daily and ensure oxygen flow. If the mix becomes soggy, add more browns to maintain the ratio.