What method to be used in solving this number sentence: 1/28- 1/49 = N
write your answer in small letters. double check your spacing. only one space is allowed. ​

Sagot :



The equation \sf | x | = 10 ∣x∣=10 has two solution such as = 10 or = -10. Write two possible values of the letters.

9. \sf |a| = 15 ∣a∣=15

\tt \large \red{a = 15} a=15

\tt \large \red{a = \text-15} a=-15

10. \sf |x| = 60 ∣x∣=60

\tt \large \red{x = 60} x=60

\tt \large \red{x = \text-60} x=-60


