directions: write a 150- word essay. choose the kind of thesis statement you want to use in this essay on importance of critical thinking in investigation. write the kind of thesis statement you used on the space provided.

Critical Thinking is the base of all cognitive activities or processes and is unique to humanbeings. It involves manipulation and analysis of information received from the environment.Such manipulation and analysis occur by means of abstracting, reasoning, imagining,problem solving, judging, and decision-making. The mind is the ideawhile thinking processes of the brain involved in processing information such as when weform concepts, engage in problem solving, to reason and make decisions. The history ofresearches on thinking depends upon the time that human beings recognized that they think.Thinking is one of the features that distinguish humans from other living beings. Thinking isthe manipulation or transformation of some internal representation (Halpern. 2003, p.84). Shesays that when we start thinking, we use our knowledge to achieve some objective. In thissense thinking ability is the basic case of our life because all of us need to achieve anobjective; on the other hand humans have relations in society and whereas nobody is alone.Descartes argued that thinking is reasoning, and that reason is a chain of simple ideas linkedby applying strict rules of logic (McGregor, 2007). Both learning and thinking are theconcepts which support and complete one another. When considered from this point of view,whereas learning style and critical thinking concepts have different qualifications, it can be
stated that they can be used jointly. Likewise, when literature is examined, it is seen that thereare researches handling learning styles and critical thinking concepts jointly (Guven &Kurum, 2004
hope it help.