LESSON 1 | ACTIVITY 7: GUESS THE TYPE OF SENTENCE A. Write S in the blank before each simple sentence, C before each compound sentence, and R before each run-on sentence. - The trumpets blared, and the king entered the room. 1. Ketchup makes french fries taste better. 2. I walked and walked for days. 3. Hydrogen has weight, but you can't weigh it on an ordinary scale. 4. Air is taken into the lungs oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream. 5. You can buy your ticket in advance, or you can buy it at the door. 6. Radar detects objects in darkness and bad weather. 7. Humans can't see well in the dark, nor can they hear sounds more than about one kilometer away. 8. I read it, but I didn't understand it. 9. Korean foods and Thai foods can be very spicy. 10. You can ask questions, but you may not find the answers. 11. The choir sang and clapped for the audience. 12. Neither fog nor hail stops the letter carrier. 13. Max found the light bulb he couldn't find a ladder. 14. The first modern computer was built in 1946; it processed 5,000 calculations per minute. 15. The South American condor is smaller and heavier than the California condor. B. Write CX in the blank before each complex sentence, and CCX before each compound-complex sentence. 1. Kate doesn't like cartoons because they are loud, so she doesn't watch them. 2. The dog started barking so the cat ran away and I couldn't keep up so, I stopped. 3. The football game, which took place on Sunday, was excellent. 4. I went home because it was getting really late. 5. When you are ready, I will call the store, and we can talk to Raffy.