Give 5 real life examples or applications of AND gate. *

Sagot :


Consider a house with two power supply-the major power supply from electricity board or power station and the secondary supply is an Inverter/Generator.

That is

Input 1 = Power from electricity board/power station

Input 2 = Power from Inverter

Output = A bulb in your room

Now assume, if there is no power from electricity board/power station, but Inverter is charged, so you can operate your bulb.

Input 1 = 0, Input 2 = 1 → Output = 1

And situation is reverse, inverter battery is drained fully but you have power from power station, so you can operate bulb

Input 1= 1, Input 2 = 0 → Output = 1

And if both are active, then also you can operate bulb

Input 1 = 1, Input 2 = 1 → Output = 1

But if both powers are not available then bulb will be OFF

Input = 0, Input 2 = 0 → Output =0

Similarly if you consider an industry with multiple input sources like three phase connection which is similar to a three input OR gate.

And your laptop is another example, if power is available laptop will consume power directly from power socket else from battery.


Familiar example of AND gate is your login credentials. That is login will fail if any of them is wrong and only succeed when both are correct. Similarly many security systems use multiple authentication procedure like OTP, captcha, password, QR code etc. These all are examples of AND function


You are doing something which someone told not to do. You get an input and you just did the opposite. That is an example of NOT