Write your concept paper from one of your chosen topics.

TOPIC: Bullying

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Bullying is when someone says or does things to have power over another person, making that person feel afraid, upset or uncomfortable. It is unwanted aggressive behaviour, generally repeated. It includes name calling, put downs, practical jokes, saying and writing nasty things, sexual comments, excluding or ignoring others, threats, damaging property, physical abuse and forcing others to do things which they do not want to do.


Bullying has become more serious than it used to be because bullying no longer only happens in the school environment. Cyberbullying is, unfortunately, becoming more commonplace as most students now have access to the internet, either through computers or through their mobile phones or other digital devices, which means that bullying can extend to outside of school, after school hours, even when you aren’t physically near the bullies.


Bullying school and topics