6. He would have praised this delightfuldish thoroughly if only he weren't soflabbergaste by it that he remained still for almost a minute. a. disturbed b. amazed c. unaffected 7 Nobody can beat his self-esteem when it comes to food preparation and cooking. His bravado and daring nature is at full blast whenever he lets us taste his prepared dishes. a. confidence b.insecurity c. influence 8. Jasper appreciates the praises he gets from the dishes he prepares but he prefers receiving honest critique I order for him to improve his craft. a. admiration b. payment c. evaluation 9. Though he prefers to maintain the original recipes as much as possible, he is willing alter them a little to improve its taste. a. adjust C. substitute b. retain 10. One thing is for sure, no matter what the occasion is, you can count on Jasper provide a wide array of delightful dishes. He will always create a wonderful assort food that will amaze others a. display b. order c. variety