The human brain gives directions to the different parts of the body. It coordinates the actions of the muscles like writing and running. It controls the voluntary activities of the body like thinking, decision making and problem solving. It also controls the involuntary muscles and coordinates functions like breathing. The human brain is an important organ.

1. What is the paragraph all about?
A. The parts of the human brain.
B. The major organs of the body.
C. The directions given by the brain to the body.
D. All of the above.

2. Which of the following is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
A. The human brain gives directions to the different parts of the body.
B. It coordinates the actions of the muscles like writing and running.
C. It controls the voluntary activities of the body.
D. All of the above.

3. Where is the topic sentence located in the paragraph?
A. the beginning sentence
B. the middle sentence
C. the last sentence
D. All of the above.

4. Which of the following is not a supporting sentence of the paragraph?
A. It controls the involuntary muscles.
B. It coordinates the actions of the muscles.
C. It controls the voluntary activities of the body.
D. None of the above.

5. Which of the following is the concluding sentence of the paragraph?
A. The human brain gives directions.
B. The human brain is an important organ.
C. The human brain helps us read.
D. None of the above.