TRUE OR FALSE: Directions: Read each item carefully. Tell whether the statement is true or false.
______1. The use of blank words like “ah”, “uhm” may lead to communication breakdown. ______2.  Verbal communication is more important than nonverbal communication. ______3. Individual differences shall be considered in delivering a message. ______4. Make your message simple and comprehensible when conversing. ______5. All formal communications conform with specific rules, belief and objectives of the speaker or certain group.

COMPLETION: Directions: Fill in each blank with the correct word to complete the following sentences.

6. The form of language such as the speaker uses which is characterized by the degree of formality is known as __________.

7. __________ is the most formal communicative style that is usually used during solemn ceremonies and events.

8. __________ is an informal communication between groups and peers who have something to share and have shared background information but do not have close relations.

9. __________ is given solely for the purpose of convincing the audience to agree with the speaker’s opinion on a particular topic.

10. __________ is the presentation of a carefully planned and rehearsed speech, spoken in a conversational manner using brief notes.

CLASSIFCATION: Directions: Classify each statement among the five categories of illocutionary act. (Assertive, Directive, Commissive, Expressive, or Declaration)

11. “I request that you be here tomorrow one-half hour earlier.”
12. No one makes better pancakes than I do.
13. “Welcome home!”
14. “I am sorry.”
15. I promise to exercise every day. ​