# Scientist believe that Africa was the birthplace_______ of and spread to_______
#________was once a green and fertile area. It also hampered civilization in Africa due to lack of good harbors for smooth sea transport.
#Tools and weapons in Africa were made of______ until 600 BC but gradually change to _____.
#______start of transport of African slaves across the Atlantic.
#________ is a common thing in Africa where they are sold to Arabs.
#"_______ taking of manufactured goods from Britain to Africa then, binging Africans as slaves to American West Indies and taking sugar, tobacco and cotton back to Britain in the 18th century.
# Reasons why Some Africans were sold into slavery:
a. they committed _______
b. captured from _______
#________Europe started to colonize Africa.
#________ Europe have colonized most of Africa.
#_______Portuguese started to colonize Africa.
#_______ Dutch started to colonize Africa.
#________ tried to stop slave trade in 19th century but also​

AFRICAN HISTORY Scientist Believe That Africa Was The Birthplace Of And Spread To Was Once A Green And Fertile Area It Also Hampered Civilization In Africa Due class=

Sagot :


Big Bang singularity, creation of all particles of matter and counterpart antimatter, and the laws of physics governing their interactions; expansion and cooling of space → formation of the observable Universe, its galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets, moons, asteroids and comets

13,550,000,000 ignition of hydrogen stars, bathing the Universe in first light of cosmic dawn → earliest galaxies of stars forming 400 million years after the Big Bang; helium in stars fusing into carbon, leading to stellar nucleosynthesis of all elements


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