1.Which of the following factors is not beneficially influenced by antibiotics
a. growth rate
b. reduction of mortality
c. feed conversion
d. cannibalism

2. Feed ration given to broilers if they are around 6 to 8 weeks old.
a. starter
b. booster
c. grower
d. finisher/fattener

3. Feed ration given to layers if they reached 15 weeks old.
a. starter mash
b. grower mash
c. pullet developer
d. layer mash

4. To avoid over or underfeeding, about kilos of laying mash should be givento 100 layers per day
a. 5-7
b. 8-10
c. 11-12
d. 14-15

5. The total amount of feeds given to a head of broiler from day-old to market age.
a. 3.5 kilos
b. 5 kilos
c. 7 kilos
d. 8 kgs

6. Which factor is least essential to an ideal poultry house?
a. location
b. design
c. equipment
d. capacity

7. Space bigger than what is necessary for the birds will result to.
a. slow growth
b. waste in feeds
c. extra housing cost
d. outbreaks of diseases

8. Dry surroundings encourage the growth of microorganisms that may cause thespread of diseases.
a. True
b False

9 The greatest percentage of all expenses incurred in broiler production.
a. chicks
c. supplements
d. labor ​