arrange the step in consucting an experiment in a logical order.Aasign numbers,1,2,3,4,5 and 6 in arranging the steps to setermine the proper sequence in producting an organic pesticide using hagonoy weeds(Chromolaena odorata) with a pechay plant(Brassica rapa). ___1.Pound the leaves of hagonoy weeds using mortar and pestle. ___2.Dilute the extract obtained from hagonoy with 100 mL of water. ___3.Filter the extract of hagonoy using a clean cloth or using a funnel and filter paper. ___4.Gather hagonoy weeds from a place where it is growing abundantly. ___5.Separate the leaves of hagonoy from its soft stem. ___6.Store the extract of hagonoy in a clean empty container.