Instructions: Read the situation below carefully and determine the appropriate methods to be used based on

the information provided. Use the word box below to construct a flowchart; orange words/phrases are methods

and techniques while blue words indicate an output.

Blood Serum, Morphological Identification, Rinsing, Stained Cellular Debris, Centrifugation, Whole Blood,

Primary Stain, Fixative, Stained Target Cell

Situation: A recent outbreak in South Africa was reported earlier this year. The disease is said to cause

complications in the blood and immune system. Brief research studies have been conducted and were able to

conclude that an extremophilic bacteria may be the cause of the disease. The bacteria are said to have thick

cell membranes that allow them to be separated from blood constituents when subjected to strong centrifugal

forces. Recently, there have been cases occurring near your region where individuals are showing similar

symptoms. To confirm the presence of the virus, you must collect a blood sample from a patient and identify its

morphology using microscopy techniques.
