What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of


1. Why are fishpond layouts drawn to scale?

a. To lessen labor exerted in the construction.

b. To show the layout in a smaller space.

c. To show all the compartment units of a fishpond project.

d. To display the common accessory units of a fishpond.

2. What type of fishpond layout that has one sluice gate and long water supply

canal which supplies the different compartment?

a. Conventional

c. Progressive

b. Radiating

d. Specialize

3. What fishpond unit is intended for rearing fingerlings to marketable size?

a. Transition pond

c. Rearing pond

b. Nursery pond

d. Brood pond

4. Which among the fishpond units is used as a water reservoir?

a. Head pond

c. Rearing pond

b. Catching pond

d. Transition pond
5. Which is intended for the confinement of breeders?

a. Breeding pond

c. Head pond

b. Rearing pond

d. Hatching pond

6. In brackish water fishpond, where should fingerlings be acclimatized?

a. Transition pond

c. Catching pond

b. Rearing pond

d. Nursery pond

7. The following are the advantages of pond layout, except.

a. easy control of pond water

b. low productivity

c. artificial feeding can be conducted easily

d. easy eradication of fish pests and predator.

8. It consists of one sluice gate, long supply canal and a secondary gates

provided to different compartments of progressively increasing number.

a. Radiating pond

c. progressive pond

b. Conventional pond

d. specialized pond

9. How many percent of the Total production area will be allocated for the

nursery pond?

a. One percent

c. 10 percent

b. 80 percent

d. 20 percent

10. This can be reduced or enlarged by certain amount.

a. Value

c. map

b. Scale

d. pond​