1. Which of the following is more concerned about the logical structures, forms, and meanings of words and statements and their logical relations?
a. Socratic method
b. Analytic tradition
c. logic
d. Fallacy

2. Which of the following is the study of correct thinking that focuses on the analysis of arguments?
a. Socratic method
b. Analytic tradition
c. logic
d. Fallacy

3. Which of the following are tendencies or influences that affect the views of people?
a. bias
b. Analytic tradition
c. logic
d. Fallacy

4. Which of the following are arguments based on faulty reasoning?
a. bias
b. Analytic tradition
c. logic
d. Fallacy

5. Which of the following statements is classified as an OPINION?
a. Christians are the people who are believers of Christianity.
b. The sun is the source of all energy found on earth.
c. Android is better than iPhone.
d. December 25 is regarded as the birth of Christ.

6. Which of the following statements is classified as a TRUTH?
a. Titanic is the most successful movie of all time.
b. Europe is the best holiday destination.
c. K Pop is one of the most popular genres in the world.
d. Everyone loves ice cream.

7. Which of the following traits shows the capability of the person to make choices and decisions based on his preferences, monitor and regulate his actions, and be goal-oriented and self-directed.
a. self-awareness
b. self-determination
c. dignity
d. externality

8. Which of the following traits enables the human person to reach & interact with others & the world?
a. self-awareness
b. self-determination
c. dignity
d. externality

9. What is the nature that enables us to become persons?
A. Spirit
B. Transcendence
C. Free will
D. Boundaries

10. What do you call the ability to surpass limits?
A. Interiority
B. Transcendence
C. Free will
D. Boundaries

11. What do you call an imaginary point beyond which a person cannot do?
A. Interiority
B. Transcendence
C. Free will
D. Limitation

12. Why is the human person an embodied spirit?
A. Both body & spirit define human nature & experiences
B. The body is irreplaceable or indispensable
C. Through the spirit, he or she can explore and surpass his or her limits.
D. Allow the human person to possess an awareness of the self​