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1.) Physical Fitness can be defined as the “ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and to meet unforeseen emergencies” (Park 1989).
2.) The PFT or physical fitness test is a set of measures designed to determine a student's level of physical fitness.
3.) Flexibility is the ability of a joint or series of joints to move through an unrestricted, pain free range of motion.
4.) Body Composition. Body composition refers to the make-up of the body. To simplify and measure body composition, we often divide the human body into two components, lean body mass (fat-free mass) and fat mass (adipose tissue).
5.) Agility: The ability to change body position quickly and to control one's physicalmovements.
6.) Speed – is the ability to perform a movement in one direction in the shortest period of time.
7.) Reaction Time is defined as the amount of time it takes to respond to a stimulus, which can be any event that comes before a response. The human brain is immensely complex, and the typical time it takes for a physical response to a stimulus is around 160 to 190 milliseconds — or a little less than 0.2 seconds1.
8.) The maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or while moving is termed: Balance.
9.) Eye hand or eye foot coordination (examples-juggling, soccer ball skills) Power-The ability to perform one maximum explosive effort in as short a time as possible. The two components of power are strength and speed.
10.) Leisure
11.) Short-term goal is something you want to accomplish soon. You can achieve it in 12 months or less.
12.) Push ups- purpose is to measure strength of upper of extremities.
13.) Juggling
14.) Muscle power
15.) Muscular Strength is the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group~ exert.