ty and dimension if you DRAW ME AGREE OR DISAGREE. Draw a happy face agreed with statement, Sad face if not 1 Damage in any part of a measuring tool can result to faulty or inaccurate measurement 2. Misuse, improper handling, and environmental conditions caused damages to measuring tools. 3 A tool is considered functional if they cannot perform its intended purpose. 4. In visual inspection of tool, one is looking for the manufacturer's logo and brand since this indicates the durability and quality of tools 5. Striking tools are considered as the most often abused tools in carpentry 6. Separating non-functional tools can be made easier by means of an inventory 7. For cutting tools, it is significant that each tool be checked to avoid wear or breakage on a project being made 8. Checking the condition of each tooll means checking that the tool serves its purpose. 9. The way you store tools also contribute to the factors that can cause their damage 10 Carpentry tools can be considered functional if it does not perform their intended purpose lllIdentify the 6 faces of lumber and the linear measurements obtained​