WHAT YOU KNOW Do what is asked. Write the letter of your answer on your paper [ 1. Write 13 778 in words. A. thirteen thousand, seven, seventy-eight B. thirteen thousand, seven hundred, seventy-eight C. thirteen, seven hundred, seventy-eight D. thirteen thousand, seven hundred, seventy-eight 2. What is the proper way of writing eighteen thousand four hundred seventeen in symbol? A 80417 C. 80 417 B 18 417 D. 18417 1 3. Which of the following is the correct symbol for thirty-five thousand sixteen? A. 35 060 C. 35 016 B. 35016 D. 35060 4. Which of the following is the number word for the missing number? 50 456, 50 458. A. Fifty thousand four hundred fifty-five B. Fifty thousand four hundred fifty-six C. Fifty thousand four hundred fifty-seven D. Fifty thousand four hundred fifty-five 1 15. What is sixty thousand, six hundred, five in symbol? 1 A. 60 065 C. 60 066 B. 60 605 D. 60 606