Marissa wants to go abroad because she loves to be with her grandma. She

misses her so much for quite a long time. She could not ignore her emotion that

she could not even hide nor deny from her friend, Pablo.

One day, Pablo saw her and asked. “ Hey, buddy!” he greeted and sat beside

her in the bench. They were in the park near their school and both are waiting for

their friends to arrive for a group study. “ Why are you so lonely huh?!”, Pablo

asked, “ Did someone hurt you?”, he continued. Marissa turned her head to him

and answered, “ No, that is not the problem.” in a low voice she said, “ I really

miss Grandma but I have to wait next year to see her.” she continued and sigh, “

Oh! I’m sorry to hear that.” Pablo said sympathizing her. Marissa continued, “ if I

had a private plane, I could visit her in New York anytime I want, right?”, Marissa

said. Pablo held her hands and said, “ If I have wings to fly you there right now, I

would gladly do it for you.” Pablo joked. Marissa had to wear a smile because she

was touched of the sincerity of her best friend.

Why does Marissa want to go to New York?

What is her wish? What is Pablo’s wish?

What can you say about their wishes? Are their wishes real?

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Why does Marissa want to go to New York?

because she misses her grandma.

What is her wish?

to meet her grandma.

What is Pablo's wish?

To take Marissa to New York.

What can you say about their wishes? Are their wishes real?

yes. their wishes are real and possible.