MARYCHRISENERO88GO MARYCHRISENERO88GO Science Answered 1. A substance in which two of more elements are chemically com A. Substance © Element C. Compound D. Mixture 2. Which of the following shows a set of properties of an element? A. Made up of big particles of atom C. Joined through chemical process B. Joined through mechanical process. D. Composed of one element with same prop 3. A (n) A. Mixture is made of two or more elements chemically combined in fixed ratios. B. compound C. atom D. solution 4. Which of the following choices sequences the parts of matter from smallest to largest corre A. atom ------ Compound ----- element C. element ----atom --compound B. elernent ---- compound -----atom D. atom ---- element compound D. 5. Which of the following illustrations shows or describes an element? A. B. C.