one compound sentence and one complex sentence using social distancing word​

Sagot :

How will you use 'social distancing' in a sentence?

Where I live - in Balading, Malinao, Albay- experts and local officials who are dealing with the virus epidemic are using the words “social distancing” in recommending that people keep about six feet away from each other in public places. It should be noted that “social” in this context isn’t limited to social events like parties; for example, we’ll need to observe “social distancing” in line at the bank or while walking around the local park.

You should not be offended if the person ahead of you in line at the market wants you to step back several feet to ensure social distancing.

As responses to the epidemic develop, people may start to distinguish between the “shelter-in-place” phase in which everyone was asked to stay home and a later “social distancing” phase in which people will have the option of moving about provided that the necessary distance is maintained. You may hear people say, “I was stuck at home for six weeks, and I’m glad we’ve moved forward from that to social distancing.”