The rules of this class-Modals of prohibition and permission.
Fill the gaps below with modals verbs to make the real rules in this class.

Suggested modal verbs:
• can't = mustn't = aren't allowed to
• can = are allowed to

Fill the gaps below with modals verbs to make the real rules in the class.

1. You___ miss the class because of the club activities.
2. You___ say you didn't do the home work just because you didn't understand or remember.
3. You___ ask the teacher to explain again and again until you completely understand.
4. You___ touch or look at your mobile phone during the class.
5. You___ ask the teacher for advice about improving your English outside class.
6. You___ use the internet or books to help you with your homework.
7. You___ copy your homework from someone else.
8. You___ ask for copies if the materials from classes that you missed.
9. You___ ask the teacher to check any extra work that you do.
10. You___ use a dictionary, but you have to ask the teacher first.

I hope you can help me