What I Know Before you study the content of this lesson, try answering the following iterns first to check what you know about this topic. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided. 1. Classify: pin cushion. a. drafting tool c. measuring tool b. marking tool d. sewing aide 2. Classify tailor's chalk. a. drafting tool c. measuring tool b. marking tool d. sewing aide 3. Classify: French curve. a. drafting tool c. measuring Tool b. marking tool d. sewing Aide 4. Classify: thimble. a. drafting tool c. measuring tool b. marking tool d. sewing aide 5. Classify: threader, a. drafting tool c. measuring tool b. marking tool d. sewing aide 6. Which of the following is used to measure short distances? a. French curve c sewing gauge b. pins d. thimble 7. Which of the following is used to draw a perpendicular line? a. L-square c. sewing gauge b. pin cushion d. thimble 8. Which of the following is used to remove stitches? a. scissors c. shears b. seam ripper d. threader 9. Which of the following is used to fasten pieces of materials together nporarily? a. L-square c. pins b. needle d. thimble 10. Which of the following is used to draw curve lines? a. French curve c. ruler b. L-square d. thimble​