Which of the following statements are true??
A. Volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges have almost the same or
overlapping locations near plate boundarieson the map.
B. Mountain ranges are far from volcanoes and earthquake epicenters
C. Volcanoes are located along the edges of plates mostly along the Ring of Fire, and
some are underwater.
D. Volcanoes do not exist at mid-continents and underwater.
E. The western coasts of North and South American continents have volcanoes,
mountain ranges and earthquake epicenters,
F. The Philippines based on the map has few volcanoes, earthquakes, and mountain
G. Movement in narrow zones along plate boundaries causes most earthquakes. These
bands/zones correspond to the boundaries of plates.
H. Based on the plate movements, scientists predict that the Pacific Ocean gets
narrower and the Atlantic Ocean gets wider in the future.