Learning Task 1: Read the instruction in doing the simple regular exercise ar home. Choose any material available at home sign a pledge of commitment Equipment and rubber shoes speakers, jump rope available at home Benefits Jumping rope helps develop better body awareness, hand-foot coord nation, and agility Safety: Your jump rope should be adjusted for your height stand with both feet on the middle of the rope and extend the handles to your armpits That the height you're going for. If it's too long, cut or tie it to avoid tripping on the sope Duration and frequency: 15 to 25 minutes, 3 to 5 times per week 1 If you re a begimer: Start by jogging forward as you swing the jump rope over your head and up der your feet. Do this move for 15 seconds 2. Reverse your direction and jog backward as you continue to owing the jump rope. 3. Do step 2 for 15 seconds. 4. Finish vour set by doing a hopscotch jump for 15 seconds 5. To do this move, jump rope in place, and as you jump, alternate between jumping your feet out to the sides and then back to the center, similar to how you'd move them while doing jumping jacks 6. Do step 5 for 15 seconds. 7. Rest for 15 seconds between sets. 8. Repeat 18 times 1. If you're an intermediate exerciser, you can perform the moves for 30 sec onds and rest for 30 seconds between sets. 2. The advanced circuit should be performed for 60 seconds at a time, followed by 60 seconds of rest 3. Sign the commitment form below. pledge to do this physical activities for the month of Name Over Printed Signature Date​

Sagot :


1.signature of the parents with a date

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2.Once you feel ready, jog at an easy pace for two to three minutes

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3.+10% per week

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4.Your body needs time to recover

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5.cardiovascular exercise that you can do anywhere and anytime. In addition to increasing your heart rate and improving muscular strength and endurance, jumping jacks
