ito po Yung ipapatulong ko Sana sayo

1) Based on Transtheoretical Model, at what stage do you belong right now? Why?
I think I belong to the preparation stage because I am still on my 8th grade and I still am planning for the things I want to do. I'm still planning for my goals and just starting to take small steps towards it.
2) In order for you to go to the next stage, what are the things that you need to do?
I order for me to go to the next stage, I need to remain moving forward with my choice of behavior change. I need to continue the things I'm doing on my preparation stage.
3) In which barrier do you consider poor eating habits? Why?
Eating too much, skipping meals or not eating at the right time, and eating lots of unhealthy foods are the things I consider poor eating habits because those were the poor eating habits I notice that are mostly being done by people nowadays.